Wakefield ‘09

Show report on RISCOScode.
Show photos taken by WROCC members, as well as some by RISC OS Open Ltd.
Show report
The Centre for Computing History produced a short video report of the day.
You can watch the video on YouTube via this link.

Hilary and Matthew Phillips of Sine Nomine Software were selling the Impact database along with their shareware games

The WROCC club stand remained busy throughout most of the day

Jim Nagel and Paul Beverley, the current and former editors of Archive Magazine, had copies of Issue 22.3 fresh from the printers

The Centre for Computing History attended the show for the first time

An Altair 8800 was on display at the Centre for Computing History’s stand

Members of RISC OS Open Ltd, staring intently at one of their computers

RISC OS Open Ltd had machines on their stand running RISC OS 5.14 and RISC OS 5.15

There was also an early port of RISC OS 5 running on a Cortex A8 “Beagle Board”

The Qercus stand wasn’t all about the magazine

As well as board games, Fleur Designs have a good line in card design

There was plenty of reading material for a RISC OS enthusiast

Qercus Editor John Cartmell and his wife, who was selling Fleur Designs board games

Paul Stewart and Keith Dunlop (both in black) of RISC OS Connect, talking to people about using RISC OS on Puppy Linux

Andrew and Diane Rawnsley on the busy R-Comp stand

It wasn’t all electronic gadgets...

Alan Wrigley, the developer behind many of R-Comp’s recent releases

Joel Rowbottom’s 8-bit World had plenty of old hardware – and an iBook

Aaron Timbrell of Virtual Acorn had everything needed to use RISC OS on a PC or Mac

The APDL stand was as well-stocked as ever

The Charity Stall, staffed by WROCC members, was again raising money for Wakefield Hospice

Graham Shaw, of the RISC OS Packaging Project, was talking about natural language translation

The NetSurf team were out in force for the launch of NetSurf 2 – and the mints were nice, too

Once again, Martin Hansen’s MathMagical Software was competing alone for the “most flamboyant stand” award

Derek Baron and WROCC Chairman Rick Sterry were manning the ticket desk for some of the day

Ticket 161 – nicely numbered using ArtWorks 2’s multiple page and PDF import facilities

Martin Hansen of MathMagical software, preparing for his show theatre presentation

Steve Fryatt launched a new version of his CashBook software at the show

R-Comp had a new range of i7-based virtual systems available to buy

The show theatre presentations proved popular throughout the day

Martin Wuerthner used his theatre slot to demonstrate what ArtWorks 2 can really do

ArtWorks 2.9 has gained support for alpha-masks in its bitmap export

Aaron Timbrell, the man behind Virtual Acorn

Qercus Editor, John Cartmell – with an invisible A9home?

Paul Stewart, showing what you need to get RISC OS running on your PC – with the aid of a Live CD of Puppy Linux and RPCemu

Steve Fryatt was demonstrating a number of his freeware titles, including CashBook and PrintPDF

Michael Gerbracht, the developer behind the new statistical package LuaFox

Paul Beverley, the former editor of Archive Magazine, was helping his successor

Martin Wuerthner had a new version of ArtWorks 2 alongside EasiWriter, TechWriter and GutenPrint

Keith Dunlop of RISC OS Connect was demonstrating RPCemu on Puppy Linux

R-Comp’s Andrew Rawnsley had some powerful i7-based RISCubes on sale

The team from Stuart Tyrrell Developments were on hand to launch the VPod graphics card

As ever, the Charity Stall was selling items throughout the day in aid of Wakefield Hospice

Martin Hansen’s MathMagical Software stand was very bright

The R-Comp stand, staffed by many people in red shirts, was a long line of technology

John Cartmell, the editor of Qercus, shows the magazine to a visitor

The team from the Centre for Computing History had a number of interesting artifacts on display

It wouldn’t be a RISC OS show without the Aladdin’s cave of CJE Micro’s

Steve Fryatt, demonstrating the use of PrintPDF

RISCOS Ltd’s Paul Middleton was on hand to introduce RISC OS 6.16

Daniel Silverstone, Michael Drake and Rob Kendrick of the NetSurf team show the new NetSurf 2.0 to a visitor

Virtual Acorn’s Aaron Timbrell was able to offer emulated RISC OS to Windows and Mac OS users

The Qercus stand had a lot of potential reading material available.

Developers Martin Hansen (RISCOS Code and ArtGraph) and Graham Shaw (RiscPkg, UnixLib and Project Babel) in discussion

Jim Nagel and Paul Beverley, the current and former editors of Archive Magazine, talk to some readers

The RISCOS Ltd stand had some very impressive lighting effects

Joel Rowbottom’s 8-bit World had a range of old BBC hardware, all networked via Econet

WROCC’s own Steve Potts gets his hands on a machine with a VPod

Paul Beverley was one of many “RISC OS Names” who tried to coax the recalcitrant RiscPC on the Sine Nomine stand back into life before the show